Enhancing the adaptive capacity of semi-arid agropastoral communities through Local Adaptation Plans in Dodoma

In the Dodoma region in the interior of Tanzania, climate change has led to altered rainfall patterns, increased drought, flooding, and exacerbated erosion, which has affected crop cultivation and livestock keeping. Local problems are aggravated by limited knowledge of the effects of climate change, especially for women, youth, and local government officials. This IKI Small Grants project addresses these problems by working at the community level. It builds up knowledge for improved adaptation capacity. By conducting policy advice on the local level, it aims to integrate scientific information into local plans and budgets to achieve equitable and climate resilient rural communities. The project also provides practical learning to small-holder farmers on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) techniques and practices. These focus on low-cost water harvesting techniques and green entrepreneurship.
The Dodoma region is reliant on groundwater supply abstracted from boreholes. Increased unreliable rains and changing rain patterns affect crop cultivation and livestock keeping. This results in increased drought, flooding, exacerbated erosion, and limited groundwater recharge. Community members who would need increased resources for coping with climate change effects are not aware of the budgetary planning process because of lack of transparency and skills to engage.
The project’s target group is manyfold, it includes all levels of local stakeholders, such as local government authorities in Chamwino and Mpwapwa Districts, Ministry of Finance and Planning, the Vice President’s Office-Division of Environment as well as local community members, women, and youth groups. In total the project benefits 1050 direct beneficiaries, reaching out to 165 smallholder farmers. 40 per cent of these are women and 20 per cent young people from both villages.
The project addresses the need for local action to address climate change adaptation. It has four interlinked components designed to address climate adaptation in Mpwapwa and Chamwino Districts. It firstly provides practical learning to small-holder farmers on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) techniques. It expands such knowledge with trainings on low-cost water harvesting techniques, green entrepreneurship, and other practices to improve agricultural ecosystems.
Furthermore, the project organises biannual workshops to engage local government authorities in Mpwapwa and Chamwino District councils on issues related to accountability, CSA, climate justice, gender equality as well as the links between sustainable ecosystem management and food security. The workshops are used to eventually integrate the measures into local development plans and budgets.
Moreover, the project aligns its activities to national climate change response plans and strategies. This is achieved through conducting a dialogue at national level. This 7th National Climate Change Symposium and Expo, conducted at a national level brings together actors from national to local levels and will be conducted in the region within which this project is implemented. At this national conference, a simplified version of CSA, guidelines and other related documents are presented, which are further spread trough FORUMCC digital platforms social media and YouTube. This is complemented with public outreach, youth flash mobs and awareness campaigns.
- Identified climate vulnerability conditions in all target communities
- Climate change sensitisation on village-district levels completed
- A total of 43 per cent women engaged in identifying adaptation options
- Actors and allies to support integration, resource allocation and implementation of LAPAs identified
IKI Small Grants supports FORUMCC in their organisational capacity development through:
- Fundraising and proposal writing
- Creating simplified and tailored climate change information for public awareness and evidence-based advocacy
FORUMCC operates as the national Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) network on Climate Change. It is a non-for-profit, member-based – of over 80 diverse organisations across Tanzania committed to work on climate change issues in Tanzania and beyond. It started its operations in 2008 and incorporated in 2013 as a limited company by guarantee – having no share capital – under the Companies Act of 2002. Currently, it is operating under a Non-Governmental Organization Act No. 24 of 2022 as amended in 2005 and 2019. FORUMCC provides the link between the local mobilisation and experiences and the national to global advocacy.