15. December 2021
The third call for proposals by IKI Small Grants is open from 15 December 2021 until 15 April 2022. In a one-stage selection procedure, small regional, national and local organisations based in an ODA-eligible country can apply directly for funding of the implementation of local or regional climate and biodiversity projects. IKI Small Grants is part or the German Environment Ministry’s International Climate Initiative (IKI) and provides funding between EUR 60,000 and EUR 200,000 per project.
Local initiatives for tailored solutions
From funding solar-powered water pumps for women smallholder farmers in India to supporting eco-schools in Malawi to ecological restoration of wetlands in Colombia: IKI Small Grants supports local actors to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to the impacts of climate change and conserve forests and biodiversity worldwide. It aims to support small, local and innovative ideas while helping implementing organisations develop and expand their own capacity and networks.
The selected organisations are accompanied and supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, which implements the IKI Small Grants Programme on behalf of the German Environment Ministry.
100 small-scale projects on climate and biodiversity action worldwide
Under the IKI Small Grants programme, more than 100 projects are to be selected via international calls for proposals and funded with up to 200,000 euros each by 2025. Two calls for proposals have already been implemented through IKI Small Grants and 74 projects in 40 countries have been selected.
In this year’s call, IKI Small Grants further explicitly encourages applications that refer to the current UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, promote gender equality and/or engage youth.
Further information including the funding information and application guidelines can be found in the Current Selection Procedure section.