Rwandan environmental organisation supported by IKI Small Grants secures long-term funding

The fundraising training provided by the IKI Small Grants programme has borne fruit: The organisation Initiative pour la Promotion de la Famille et du Genre was able to acquire funding amounting to 3.6 million euros. This will secure their work for the future.

Project manager Janvier Ngambo of the Rwandan environmental organisation Initiative pour la Promotion de la Famille et du Genre
According to project manager Janvier Ngabo, the IKI Small Grants funding helped in aquiring new funding for the Rwandan organisation.

The organisation assists particularly vulnerable rural populations in preparing for the impacts of climate change. They design and implement tailored training in agroforestry and climate change and advise local authorities on better aligning their strategies with the needs of the local population. IKI Small Grants collaborated with the organisation for two years. During this time, roughly 300 community members were trained in sustainable natural resource management techniques, 44 members of village environmental committees received climate-related training, 4 climate adaptation plans were developed, and 98 water tanks were installed.

Strengthening Fundraising and Communication – A means to achieving sustainability

Another of the project’s key focuses was to strengthen the organisation’s fundraising and communication skills. According to project manager Janvier Ngabo, these capacity development measures had a significant impact, helping the organisation secure a new long-term project. In doing so, IKI Small Grants became a trailblazer in ensuring the sustainability of local initiatives.

The project targeted rural community members. It specifically addressed vulnerable groups, such as female headed households including single mothers or disabled and elderly people.

More about the project

Improving adaptation capacities for vulnerable households in Nyamagabe District | IKI Small Grants


IPFG is a non-governmental organization founded in 2002 based in Nyamagabe District in Rwanda. All members are concerned about the welfare and full development of the family based on gender equality and the participation of men and women in all programmes aimed at strengthening fairness and democracy. Its mission is to promote and reinforce complementarity between man and woman and to encourage their participation in actions aimed at social and economic development.


Website Initiative pour la Promotion de la Famille et du Genre (IPFG)